Digital Backdrop
This is PSD file 19X13 inches 300 ppi. In the layer palate put the subject over the layer which say " subject here " On the layers with the layer mask you can mask off the glass if it comes to much over the subject you have in there . I have Merry Christmas in separate layers . You can turn on and off . For the reflection : Just duplicate the baby . Go to edit -free transform - right click and flip vertical . Put on place and reduce the opacity until you like it
You will need basic knowledge of Adobe Photoshop and know how to work with layers.
I'm not providing Photoshop Services but I would help if you have any questions.
Please do not share or sell the files as they are.
Please do not claim them as your own design.
In short, it may not be resold "as is" or with minimal changes. This image is intended to be used as a background in digital images with Photoshop manipulation.
No refund on digital backdrops.
Digital backdrop, background boys girls snow globe family children older children newborn Christmas glass , ornament heart Valentines day black hearts black 3 4 hearts